Free Novel Read

Tied to a Boss 4


  J. L. Rose

  Good2Go Publishing

  Tied To A Boss IV

  Written by J.L.Rose

  Cover design: Davida Baldwin

  Typesetter: Mychea

  ISBN: 9781943686445

  Copyright ©2017 Good2Go Publishing

  Published 2017 by Good2Go Publishing

  7311 W. Glass Lane • Laveen, AZ 85339

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced without written permission, except for brief quotations to books and critical reviews. This story is a work of fiction. Characters, businesses, places, and events and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  Smashwords Edition


  This book would never be if not for my heavenly Father. I thank over and over for this blessing you have given me, my Lord Jesus. And to my mother and father (Ludie A. Rose and John L. Rose Sr.), the two of you are the strength that keeps me moving forward, and I work as I do to finally make you both proud of me. I love you both more than I can ever begin to attempt to find the words to explain. And lastly, to my girls (LeMeka Jones and Victoria “Vicky” Summerset), I think you two—along with my momma—are my biggest fans, and I just want you to know you’re my heart. I love you both.


  This book is dedicated to my niece, Victoria “Vicky” Summerset. I love you, baby girl.
























  Two hours later, ten bags a piece, and still checking out more stores, Monica was ready to check out. Dante allowed her to shop, and even bought gifts for Alinna and Natalie. Just as he was paying for a diamond-faced Movado watch, his phone started vibrating in his pocket again.

  “You ready to go?” Monica asked, walking up beside Dante as he was pulling out his cell phone.

  “You finished?” Dante asked, seeing Natalie’s number on the screen.

  “I’m ready,” Monica told him, waving for Dante to leave the store with her.

  “What’s up, beautiful?” Dante said, but then he immediately stopped in his tracks when he heard crying and yelling in the background over his phone. “Natalie! Natalie! What’s up? What’s going on?”

  “Dante! Dante! It’s Daddy!” Natalie got out before she started crying hysterically.

  “Natalie, talk to me!” Dante yelled, already running toward the exit. “Baby, what’s going on? Talk to me!”

  “Dante, what’s going on?” Monica asked, running and trying to keep up with a surprisingly fast Dante.

  “I don’t know. Natalie was—!”

  “Dante, man! It’s Dominic. He was set up!”

  “Fuck do you mean set up?”

  “He was meeting somebody for some business meeting, and once we got there, all we met was a bunch of niggas with guns.”

  “Shit!” Dante said as he and Monica stopped at her Jaguar. “What about Dominic?”

  “Bruh, he got hit twice. It ain’t looking good,” Tony T explained. “We ain’t sure what’s going on right now. The doctor’s got him.”

  “Where the fuck y’all at?” Dante asked, completely pissed off.

  “We at Phoenix Memorial.”

  Hanging up the phone, Dante handed Monica the rest of the bags he was holding as she asked, “What’s it about?”

  “Natalie’s father was shot. He’s at Phoenix Memorial, and they’re not sure if he’ll live,” Dante explained.

  He then pulled out his left-side Glock from its holster and handed it to Monica.

  “You gonna need one. Shit about to get real stupid in Phoenix!”


  DANTE FLEW THROUGH THE streets of Ph-oenix, ignoring the blaring horns from the different cars which he shot past or jumped in front of. He only had one place in mind that he needed to be. He switched the Benz into fourth gear and fishtailed the Mercedes, swinging a right onto the street on which Phoenix Memorial was located, so read the GPS system inside his ride.

  He cut off the Lexus that was slowing down in front of the hospital entrance. Dante then swung the Benz around in front of the Lexus and then slammed on his brakes a brief moment later in front of the entrance. This caused his Benz’s tires to scream out as the people out in front of the hospital jumped or rushed to get out of the way. Dante jumped out of the Benz and rushed around the front, catching a quick glimpse of Monica jumping out of her new Jaguar behind his car.

  Dante rushed over to the elevator, bypassing the front desk and the four-person line that was waiting. He then dug out his cell phone and called Tony T.

  “Yeah! What’s up?”

  “What floor y’all on?” Dante asked, just as the elevator door slid open.

  “Fourth floor. Room 1107!”

  Hanging up the phone and then punching the floor button on the elevator, Dante road the elevator while deep in thought and feeling his anger sizzling the more he thought about what Tony T had told him about Dominic being set up and taking two hits, now fighting for his life.

  Stepping off the elevator as soon as the door opened on the fourth floor, Dante went in search of room 1107. He then spotted Tony T stepping around the corner in the direction in which he was heading.

  “What the fuck happened, Tony T?” Dante asked as soon as he and Tony T met up. Dante never broke stride and continued his search for the room in which the family was gathered.

  “Bruh, I don’t know!”

  “Who was Dominic supposedly meeting with?” Dante interrupted Tony T.

  “He said somebody named Roosevelt,” Tony T informed Dante, who sent a hard look his way, just as the two of them reached the crowd of security personnel who crowded in front of room 1107.

  Dante walked straight toward the room. Security opened a path, with one of the men holding open the door for Dante and Tony T.

  “Dante!” Carmen cried out after seeing him enter the hospital room while she stood at her husband’s bedside.

  She held out her hand to him. Dante walked over to her, taking Carmen’s hand and seeing the tears sliding down her face.

  “Carmen, I’m sorry!” Dante told his mother-in-law, wrapping his arms around her as she leaned against him. “I swear, I’ll deal with this!”

  “I know, sweetheart,” Carmen softly replied as she lightly patted Dante’s chest.

  She then looked back to her husband and said, “The doctor says that Dominic was very lucky, Dante! The bullet that entered his chest missed his heart by inches, and they were able to remove it and the other one that went into his leg. He will have to walk with a cane from now on, though.”

  Shaking his head while staring at his father-in-law, Dante looked away and began searching the room for his wife.

  “Where’s Natalie, Carmen?”

  “She left to go to the ladies’ room,” she answered while staring down at Dominic in the hospital bed.

  Balling up his face at what Carmen had just told him, Dante looked back behind h
im at Tony T, who stood a few feet away.

  “Go check on Natalie.”

  Nodding his head, Tony T turned to leave, just as Monica entered the hospital room.

  “Dante, I just saw your wife leaving.”

  Spinning around to face Monica, Dante asked, “Which one?”

  “Natalie!” she replied. “Why is she moving around without Gomez?”

  Taking off past Monica, before she could fully finish what she was telling him about Natalie being without protection, Dante burst out of the hospital room, just as Alinna, James, Kerri, and a team of six security men were rushing up the hall.

  “Whoa!” Alinna said, grabbing Dante as he went to rush right past her. “What’s going on? Where you going?”

  “Natalie’s out without protection?” Dante answered.

  A second later, he was off, running toward the elevator.

  “James, go with him!” Alinna told her friend and personal bodyguard assigned to her by Dante himself.

  She then looked up to see Monica rushing past her and following Dante.

  * * *

  Once back on the ground level, after stepping off the elevator, Dante called Natalie’s phone and was sent straight to voicemail.

  “Shit!” he said, trying her phone number again as he jogged out the front entrance of the hospital.

  Dante hung up the phone after getting her voicemail again. He then looked around for his ride, remembering that he left it right in front of the hospital.

  “What the?”


  Looking behind him after hearing his name being called out, he saw both Monica and James rushing out the front door.

  Dante then addressed Monica: “Where the fuck is my car?”

  “Come on!” Monica said, taking off and leading both Dante and James across the parking lot to where she parked his Benz.

  Dante took the keys from Monica and got behind the wheel. Monica rushed around to the passenger side while James climbed into the backseat. Dante then started up the Benz. Within seconds, he was peeling out of the parking space toward the exit.

  “James. Call Tony T’s phone!” Dante ordered as he was speeding up the street away from the hospital.

  “And tell him what?” James asked while doing as he was told.

  “Tell him to ask Carmen if she knows where Fredrick Roosevelt lives,” Dante inquired, shifting gears and picking up speed.

  “Dante!” Monica called out, getting a brief glance from him. “Isn’t Fredrick Roosevelt the member of the Council Covenant you told me you had to kick out?”


  “So, what—!”

  “Dante!” James called out, interrupting Monica. “I just got Roosevelt’s address from Carmen.”

  “What is it?” Dante asked, turning the GPS system back on and programming in the address which James called out.

  * * *

  Natalie immediately left the hospital after finding out who was responsible for her father being shot and laid up while fighting for his life. She drove one of the Range Rovers that was issued to security. After a bit of a drive, she pulled up in front of Fredrick Roosevelt’s mansion and was surprised to see the front security gate wide open and no security guards in sight.

  Natalie looked over at the front door of the mansion and saw that the door was wide open just like the gate. She reached over and grabbed her purse, digging inside and pulling out the .38 Special that her father had given her for protection. She climbed out from the SUV and shut the driver’s side door. She then saw an Expedition that was parked in the corner of the mansion grounds, which she hadn’t noticed when she first drove through the gate.

  Natalie then walked across the parking grounds to the front door of the house. She slowly entered the mansion, looking around to see that the place was torn up and everything was thrown all around. She then made her way further into the house. She was just about to call out for Roosevelt, when she heard what sounded like a group of people running. She then ducked at the loud sound of a gun going off.

  Natalie glanced back and saw the hole in the wall right behind her head, just as more shots were fired. She broke into a run and headed into the sitting room while letting her .38 ring out.

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

  Natalie ducked behind the sofa. She then peeked out around the side and saw five suit-wearing gunmen. She ducked back behind the sofa and reached overhead and let the .38 ring out once more.

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

  Hearing the clicking sound, which announced that her gun was empty, Natalie cursed under her breath at her luck.

  “Come on out, lady!” Natalie heard one of the men call out to her while she was trying to think what she was going to do next.

  In that split second, she noticed the hallway along the stairwell. She immediately took off in the direction of the hallway, when she was snatched up around the waist.

  “Aggghh! Let me go!”

  * * *

  When Dante arrived at Roosevelt’s mansion, the front gate was still wide open. As he swung his Benz inside the gate and up the long driveway, he noticed one of his security Range Rovers that was parked beside Roosevelt’s Lincoln Continental.

  “Dante, look!” Monica exclaimed, pointing toward the Expedition parked alongside the mansion.

  Dante peeped the Expedition as he was turning off in front of the mansion. He slammed on the brakes right as he heard screaming and saw five men rushing out of the mansion door.

  He was already out of his Benz and pulling out his Glock when Monica cried, “Dante, it’s Natalie!”

  Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

  Dante let off shots and immediately saw two men fall and a third one stagger backward and grab at his chest. Dante then swung his banger toward the guy who was holding Natalie around the waist while his right hand gripped her by the throat. He peeped James slide up on his left side while Monica was farther away out on his right.

  “Let her go!” Dante growled as he began walking closer to the two remaining men.

  “Who the fuck?”


  “Dante!” Monica yelled as she watched him stagger backward.

  He soon regained his balance as both he and James opened fire. Monica then watched the man who was holding Natalie release her, after his face was split open by a bullet sent from either Dante or James.

  Monica rushed over to Natalie and wrapped her arms around her. She started to walk her away, but both she and Natalie jumped at the two sudden shots that rang out. She looked over at Dante and saw him standing over the body of the last of the five men to fall.

  “Dante!” James called out, walking up beside his friend. “Bruh, we need to get the hell outta here!”

  Dante slowly turned away from the body of the guy who had shot him. Dante told James to get the Range Rover as he walked over to the Benz where Monica sat in the backseat along with Natalie.


  ALINNA RECEIVED A CALL from Monica about Dante being shot, losing a lot of blood, and then passing out while he was driving all of them back to the hospital. Alinna met the women, James, and Dante in the front of the hospital, with a medical team.

  Alinna almost lost her mind with worry as she waited for Dante to get out of surgery. He was having the bullet removed from his chest. Dante’s doctor finally appeared and informed everyone that Dante was out of surgery and would be all right; however, he would need plenty of rest.

  “Thank you, Doctor,” Alinna replied, sighing in relief. “Can we see him?”

  “As soon as he’s transferred to a room, I’ll have a nurse come and get all of you,” the doctor informed Alinna and the others, before reminding them all, “Remember that he needs rest!”

  “Knowing Dante, that’s not happening!” Monica said under her breath as the doctor left the waiting room.

  “What the hell happened?” Alinna angrily asked, turning and facing James, Monica, and Natalie.

  “It was my fault!” Natalie said softly as tears fell down
her face. “I went out to Fredrick Roosevelt’s mansion. But when I got there, the front gate and the door were wide open, and there were five guys inside.”

  “Where’s Roosevelt?” Alinna asked, just as they heard someone scream out Dante’s name.

  She and the others rushed from the waiting room and out into the hallway to see a team of six nurses surround a bare-chested Dante who was ignoring the team as he continued walking toward his friends.

  He was wearing Kenneth Cole pants and square-toed Kenneth Cole shoes while carrying his bloodied button-down shirt gripped in his right fist.

  “I told you he wouldn’t listen!” Monica said as she and the others rushed after him.

  Pushing through the team of nurses with James leading the way, Alinna called out to Dante and grabbed his arm.

  “Dante, what the hell are you doing?”

  “I wanna talk to Carmen,” Dante answered while still walking and heading in the direction of Dominic’s room.

  “Dante, the doctor said—!”

  “Mr. Blackwell!” a member of the hospital security team called out as he rushed around in front of Dante and the others.

  He held out his hands to stop them, just as Dante kicked him in the midsection. The guard felt the pain immediately as Dante’s shoe slammed into his stomach.

  Dante then continued to walk past the hospital security guards, who were now laid out in the middle of the floor, and the same team of nurses that were crowded around him. He ignored the stares from his own security team that was stationed in front of Dominic’s hospital room door. He then snatched open the door and stepped inside.

  “Oh my God! Dante!” Carmen cried out, after hearing the door open and seeing her bandaged son-in-law. “What are you doing out of bed? You’ve just been shot, Dante!”

  “What’s going on, Carmen?” Dante asked, ignoring her concern about his well-being. “Something’s going on here that I’m not being told.”

  “What are you talking about, Dante?” she asked, looking from Dante over to Alinna and the others before she turned and faced Dante again. “What exactly happened back at Roosevelt’s place?”